Supply Chain Management

Focus Areas

Supply Chain Management

Sea Cliff Consulting offers companies the opportunity to set themselves apart from their competitors in the area of supply chain management. As an integral part of any business, managing supply chains require constant attention and fine-tuning.   Sea Cliff Consulting identifies and implements supply chain improvements, including optimization of networks, distribution center operations, inventory management, and automation.


Supply Chain Management Overview

The rapid emergence of globalization, eCommerce, and specialization all highlight the critical role of supply chain management in corporate success worldwide.   Despite increased efficiencies and lower      consumer costs, these global trends have led to more complex supply chain management systems.  Further, consumers now expect companies to match the rapid delivery and instant gratification provided by Amazon.

The Covid-19 pandemic has also introduced additional challenges, forcing this ever-evolving field to adapt even more rapidly.  For example, the global chip shortage revealed the importance of simultaneously tracking inventories of both parent companies and their suppliers.  Tracking and responding to these changes require continuous assessment and analysis in order to remain up to date on resource accessibility and competitor activity.

In today’s supply chain landscape, leveraging data insights and analytics offers a significant competitive advantage for businesses. The experienced team at Sea Cliff Consulting is highly motivated to help our clients make the most of their company’s data. From organizing and visualizing the data needed to make informed decisions to building advanced models, we collaborate with our clients to optimize their supply chains.

Network Optimization

As consumer expectations continue to evolve, an efficient operations network is imperative to the success of any organization. Sea Cliff Consulting provides spatial analytics, optimization, and simulation techniques to help our clients make long term network decisions with confidence.

DC Operations

Consulting simplifies DC operations by working with our clients to determine optimal staffing for both peak and non-peak times, DC layouts, and process improvements.  Our consultants have earned black belts in Six Sigma and have the expertise in data analytics needed to identify the most efficient solutions.

Inventory Management

Sea Cliff Consulting sets up client reporting to determine optimal order quantities and reorder points.


Benefit analysis, discounted cash flow analysis, break-even analysis, and other tools to help our clients to decide when and how to incorporate automation into managing their supply chain.